
Question 1
Question 2

Question 3

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Bauer media would be the best institution to distribute my media product. I have made my research about this beforehand and managed to get some statistics and facts to do with their magazine. They are a long running company that dates back all the way to 1952, they managed to make it big by making sure they give the readers what they want through interacting with them and giving them entertainment throughout the years.

Their tagline “WE THINK POPULAR” gets right to the point in just three words. They give people what they would want to see and what’s trending at the minute by updating them about the most famous stars and music. Through Bauer i want to give people information in my magazine that they would want to see and look forward to reading. Bauer also tries to make sure everyone can access that information whether it's reading it from a magazine or online.

Bauer media is the UK’s most influential media brand network with reaching over 22 million Uk adults (15+) every week! The reason for this is that they use convergence to try and help people engage with the magazine and escape from their everyday. I would like for them to contribute with my magazine because they use synergy which means they connect with their readers through more than just magazine, they are reachable through different media products. Giving readers an easier access to my magazine through radio, TV and online will attract them more as they will have more ways of relaxing and enjoying the information they would get in the magazine. My magazine “vibez” would work well with Bauer as its purposes are the same.

 Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the process of constructing my media product I have used a variety of new technologies such as Page Plus, Photoshop and a digital SLR Canon camera, survey monkey and Canva. Using the different technologies seemed difficult at the start as i had never encountered using them before but once i used them for a bit it all started to make sense and became easier.
Using page plus and Photoshop was more professional when making my double page spread, front cover and contents page than using canva as canva doesn’t have the high editing features. When creating my front cover i used Photoshop which allowed me to adjust the contrast and brightness of my main image which made it the highest quality and made it look even more professionally done than it already was.

Previously i have had very little experience with cameras as i never really got around to using a professional one, during my photo shoot i got the chance to work with a digital SLR Canon camera which took very nice and clear pictures for my magazines. It was difficult to use as it has many settings and buttons which you have to understand to know what to do and how to take the perfect pictures from the correct angles.  To make the pictures more interesting i included props in the photos such as make up and microphones to make me and my friend look like a proper duet.

Beforehand, we had to set up our photo shoot, we angled the soft box lights at certain angles so that when we took our photos you could see each one of us, so the brightness is at the right angle. Not to mention, the backdrop was important; we mainly used a white backdrop as me and my friend decided to wear black.

Question 7

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